
For the month of December, my account return is 4.87% vs. 1.21% of benchmark SPY. 
My account return is 7.98% vs. 11.47% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.

Received following dividends in December:
URA: $0.306/share
TAN:  $0.445/share
PICK: $0.019158/share
REMX: $0.87/share
EEM: $0.697/share
COPX: $0.428/share
ASHR: $0.262/share
DIA: $1.12/share
VNM: $0.025/share
IWF: $0.357/share
URA: $0.306/share

Benchmark SPY: $1.351/share


Sold 143 shares of ILF (iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index Fund) at 34.74.
Bought 37 shares of IWF (iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF) at 133.87.
Bought 306 shares of URA (Global X Uranium ETF) at 15.64.


For the month of November, my account return is -0.62% vs. 3.06% of benchmark SPY. 
My account return is 2.97% vs. 10.68% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.


Sold 125 shares of SLX (VanEck Vectors Steel ETF) at 40.86.


Bought 299 shares of VNM (VANECK VECTORS VIETNAM ETF) at 16.11. 


Bought 150 shares of ASHR (Xtrackers Harvest CSI 300 China A ETF) at 30.42. ASHR is currently ranked at 88%.

Bought 20 shares of DIA (SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF) at 235.18. DIA is highest ranked among major index ETFs.

Sold 220 shares of GDX (VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF) at 22.43.


For the month of October, my account return is 1.14% vs. 2.37% of benchmark SPY. 
My account return is 3.61% vs. 6.89% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.


Sold 120 shares of TUR (iShares MSCI Turkey). It has lost momentum and is currently ranked below 40%.
Sold 466 shares of GREK (Global X MSCI Greece ETF). It has lost momentum and is currently ranked below 40%.


Bought 188 shares of COPX (Global X Copper Miners ETF) at 25.97. COPX is currently ranked above 90%.


For the month of September, my account is down 1.45% vs. up 2.01% of benchmark SPY. 
My account is up 2.45% vs. 4.41% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.

SPY paid the dividend of $1.235/share.


Bought 220 shares of GDX (VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF) at 24.13. GDX is above 200-day MA and its relative strength has improved from 11% to 59% now. 


Placed a limit order to buy 220 shares of GDX at 24.01. 


For the month of August, my account is up 2.31% vs. 0.29% of benchmark SPY. 
My account is up 3.96% vs. 2.35% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.


Sell 77 shares of EFA (iShares MSCI EAFE Index ETF) at 66.75 and take 2.5% gain.
Buy 111 shares of EEM (iShares MSCI Emerging Index Fund) at 44.92. EEM has better relative strength than EFA.
Buy 143 shares of ILF (iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index Fund) at 34.74. ILF has regained strength after recent pull back. It is currently ranked at 91%.


Buy 235 shares of REMX (Market Vectors Rare Earth Strat Met ETF) at $21.28. REMX dropped from $103.76 in 2011 to $10.83 in early 2016 and has been recovering since. It is currently ranked at 97%. 


Place a limit order to buy 230 share of REMX at 21.51. The order expired.


For the month of July, my account is up 1.61% vs. 2.06% of benchmark SPY.  
My account is up 1.61% vs. up 2.06% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.


Buy 165 shares of PICK (iShares MSCI Global Metals & Mining Producers ETF) at 30.01. PICK is about to break above last high made in early 2017 and is current ranked above 90%.


Buy 466 shares of GREK (Global X MSCI Greece ETF) at 10.71. GREK has been on strong upward trend for last 3 months and is currently ranked at 98%. 


Buy 125 shares of SLX (VanEck Vectors Steel ETF) at 40.49. SLX has been on the upward trend for a year. It has recovered from recent pull back and is above 200-day moving average now. Trump administration plans to slap tariff on steel imports so the steel price will go up. 


Place a limit order to buy 125 shares of SLX (VanEck Vectors Steel ETF) at 40.01.


Buy 77 shares of EFA (iShares MSCI EAFE Index ETF) at 65.12. EFA is currently highest ranked among major equity asset classes (SPY, IWM, EFA, EEM, VGK, ILF, EPP). 

Buy 250 shares of TAN (Guggenheim Solar ETF) at 19.96. TAN has been gaining strength for last 8 months. Its current ranking is 75%, significantly up from 2.5% 8 months ago.  


Buy 120 shares of TUR (iShares MSCI Turkey) at 41.51. TUR has been gaining strength for last four months and is currently ranked above 90% in my system.

Investment Plan

Most orders will be placed on Friday or Monday. Only invest in liquid ETFs with 21-day average dollar volume (daily closing price times daily trading volume) of 5 million and above. 


My name is David. I am an engineer and an investor . Due to having a demanding day-time job, I make investment decisions during evenings and mostly weekends. Most of my strategies have to pass computer simulations first to ensure favorable return/risk ratio. I am writing this blog to share my investments with friends and keep myself disciplined. This is for informational purposes only. Do not take it as financial or tax advice for your personal situation. Always consult with an appropriate expert.