For November 2018, my account return is 0.4% vs. 1.9% of benchmark SPY.
Received following dividends in November: SHY: $0.146/share
For October 2018, my account return is -5.8% vs. -6.9% of benchmark SPY.
Sell 235 shares of IWF (iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF) at $146.17. Sell 285 shares of XLK (Technology Select Sector SPDR ETF) at $70.83. Buy 663 shares of SHY (iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF) at 82.95. All major market indexes except SP500 had broken down. Get out of equity and buy short-term treasury.
For September 2018, my account return is 0.6% vs. 0.6% of benchmark SPY. For year to date 2018, my account return is 8.5% vs. 13.2% of benchmark SPY. Since inception 06/30/2017, my account return is 17.2% vs. 22.8% of benchmark SPY. Received following dividends in September: XLK: $0.254/share IWF: $0.436/share SPY: $1.323/share
Buy 235 shares of IWF (iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF) at $155.
Sell 300 shares of TLT (iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF) at $121.91.
For the month of August 2018, my account return is 2.9% vs. 3.2% of benchmark SPY. My account return is 16.5% vs. 22.1% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.
Buy 285 shares of XLK (Technology Select Sector SPDR ETF) at $72.72.
Sell all IWM shares. Buy 300 shares of TLT (iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF) at $118.46.
For the month of July 2018, my account return is 1.7% vs. 3.7% of benchmark SPY.
Switch QQQ and IWF to IWM at open today to mitigate risk of pending trade war. IWM is much more domestic oriented. Sell 120 shares of QQQ (PowerShares QQQ ETF) at $173.4. Sell 160 shares of IWF (iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF) at $144.65. Buy 304 shares of IWM (iShares Russell 2000 ETF) at 164.76.
For the month of June 2018, my account return is 2.15% vs. 0.58% of benchmark SPY. My account return is 11.34% vs. 14.23% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017. Received following dividends in June: QQQ: $0.378/share SPY: $1.246/share
Sell 100 shares of KWEB (KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF) at $59.58.
For the month of May 2018, my account return is 1.15% vs. 2.43% of benchmark SPY. My account return is 9% vs. 13.62% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.
Sell 250 shares of TBF (ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasury) at $23.6. Buy 36 shares of IWM (iShares Russell 2000 ETF) at 162.71.
Buy 160 shares of IWF (iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF)at 142.23.
For the month of April 2018, my account return is -0.06% vs. 0.5% of benchmark SPY. My account return is 7.76% vs. 10.92% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.
For the month of March 2018, my account return is -2.81% vs. -2.74% of benchmark SPY. My account return is 7.82% vs. 10.35% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017. Received following dividends in December: QQQ: $0.27655/share SPY: $1.097/share
Market volatility is too high, which indicates something big may be happening. Reduce account equity exposure by selling some positions. Sell 111 shares of EEM (iShares MSCI Emerging Index Fund) at $47.49. Sell 306 shares of URA (Global X Uranium ETF) at $12.01. Sell 299 shares of VNM (VANECK VECTORS VIETNAM ETF) at $19.49. Sell 306 shares of TBF (ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasury) at $22.8.
Sell 150 shares of ASHR (Xtrackers Harvest CSI 300 China A ETF) at 32.64. Buy 100 shares of KWEB (KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF) at 67.18. Buy 250 shares of TBF (ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasury) at 23.47.
For the month of February 2018, my account return is -3.19% vs. -3.64% of benchmark SPY. My account return is 10.94% vs. 13.47% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017.
Buy 120 shares of QQQ (PowerShares QQQ ETF) at open today at 169.96.
Sell 20 shares of DIA (SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF) at 251.96.
Sell 165 shares of PICK (iShares MSCI Global Metals & Mining Producers ETF) at 37. Sell 37 shares of IWF (iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF)at 143.56. Raise more cash to reduce account risk.
For the month of January 2018, my account return is 6.12% vs. 5.64% of benchmark SPY. My account return is 14.59% vs. 17.75% of benchmark SPY since inception on 06/30/2017. Received following dividends this month: DIA: $0.144/share
At today's market open, make following adjustments to reduce account risk. Sell 188 shares of COPX (Global X Copper Miners ETF) at 28.5. Sell 235 shares of REMX(Market Vectors Rare Earth Strat Met ETF) at 30.8. Buy 250 shares of TBF (ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasury) at 22.61. It looks like long term bond bear market has started.
Sell 250 shares of TAN (Guggenheim Solar ETF) at 25.51.